
losing weight in college

I am currently a college student and am trying to lose some weight. I am very familiar with eating in a calorie deficit and such as i’ve lost a good amount of weight last year that way. I exercise very regularly and get plenty of steps, but the eating is the hardest part for me now that i’m in college. I have no way of tracking calories and macros of the dining hall food, and I can not afford to keep buying things from the grocery store (I also don’t have a kitchen, and I paid for the meal plan.) I’m not sure exactly what answers i’m seeking, but it’s just really frustrating to think that I may not be able to hit my weight-loss goal because of this. if anyone has any advice or ideas to make tracking calories easier while still eating at the dining hall please let me know. my college does post nutrition facts for the meals online but they are wildly inaccurate which is super annoying. I guess i’m just in need of some consolation and advice, but my issue is fairly specific. if anyone could help me out though i’d really appreciate it!

additionally: I know I could estimate the calories of everything, but i’m not sure why but I just really hate estimating and not being accurate because it feels as though I am not ever 100% eating within my deficit. if this isn’t a good way of thinking though please let me know, i’d love any thoughts or advice :)

submitted by /u/Interesting-Sink9939
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