
How do you deal with unsolicited advice?

I finally decided to start a strict weight loss journey and one of the main things that I’ve been doing is bringing home cooked meals. Something that’s been bothering me lately is that my boss, who is actually overweight, has been giving me advice that I don’t ask for about the food I’ve been bringing. She would say things like “you should be including more fiber” or “eat more vegetables” but she herself actively avoids vegetables. Not just that, there has been one or two instances where I ate popcorn and a hotdog and she said I should be eating healthier if I wanted to lose weight. I’ve tried explaining that losing weight is CICO but she was not listening to me. Don’t get me wrong, most of my meals have had a balance of carbs, protein, and fiber, but there really are just days where I wanna eat bits of the unhealthy “junk” food. I’ve tried ignoring her but it just feels like it’s piling up inside me. I’ve tried telling her that I have my own methods to try to get her to stop giving me advice but she’s not listening at all. It would have been one thing if she was healthy but she isn’t even average weight. I just get annoyed that she thinks she can give this kind of advice when she isn’t even practicing the advice she gives. How do I get her to stop or make myself to let it go?

submitted by /u/throwaway_031920
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