
Food Noise - any advice / motivation advice?

Does anyone have advice on quieting food noise?

Back around September I had finally decided to actually lose weight. I was down 15 lbs from my start weight, and after about a month of tracking and cutting calories my food noise was WAY down. I even started exercising once a week, which was big for me. Long story short, hurricane Helene threw everything off track. But now, I'm back to exactly where I started. I think about food and my weight alllll the time. Specifically just craving certain foods or thinking about what I could be eating. Does anyone have advice for quieting food noise? Or even keeping motivation? I feel like i keep deciding I'm finally done being heavy and feel strongly about it and then the next day I just could care less because life sucks when you can't eat sweets and have to weigh your food.

I've decided to retry and did make myself sign a 'contract' that i would earnestly try. I've done a few days of calorie limiting and worked out today (which sucked i could barely physically do the workout i followed on a video). I feel like my biggest hurdle right now is just trying not to eat all the time bc of all this food noise. Anyway just looking for advice.

Tldr: Any advice on staying motivated continously or quieting food noise?

submitted by /u/Mushcrumb
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