
Weight loss

For context I just weighed myself for the first time in 3 months and I’m sobbing because I gained 20 pounds? I’m not sure what to do but I am trying to lose 30 pounds as fast as I can. Give me any advice you can it can be healthy or unhealthy ( this may sound bad but I’m in shambles idc) I am currently 196 and I was at 173 3 months ago. This is the biggest I’ve ever been and I was close to this big a couple years ago. Please please please I’m begging. I’ve don’t some research and the the things I’ve seen are diet and exercise. I’m going to start exercising today but idk what to do diet wise bc I only eat 2 maybe meals a day. I also recently started snacking so I’m cutting that out too. It’s just not fair atp . So please guys give me any advice you can! Alos for reference I’m 5’1 so I really can’t be 196 thx

submitted by /u/Flaky-Dog-4098
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

