
My story and request for advice to lose 75 pounds

January 2023 I was 31 and nearly 500 pounds.

I got depressed and sick over personal reasons, and I just stopped eating. No exercise.

December 2023 I broke my back in two places from a fall and allowed it to heal naturally.

May 2024, I was 235 pounds.

July 2024, I took a physical job working for Amazon as a delivery driver. This job gave me strength and stamina climbing in and out of a truck all day. I was hitting 20-25k steps a day. But I started gaining weight because my appetite came back full swing. I had this job until I landed back where my experience is in corporate, in November.

Currently, I am now 32 and I weigh 295 pounds.

My goal weight is 220. I’m a female, 5’11.

One of the perks of my job is that I have a free gym. And I want to use that gym in aid of losing weight. I’m at a desk all day. But tomorrow will mark my third week going to the gym, but I kind of just do random things for an hour. Like mon, wed, fri I do treadmill for 30 minutes. Then tue I do arms and thurs I do legs. I’m trying my hardest to stay at or around 2000 calories a day but I don’t always make it. I’m trying. My appetite is so crazy I need to find out what I can snack on at work throughout the day that won’t kill me in calories. I was thinking maybe sunflower seeds. It will stop me from getting up and buying something unhealthy in the cafeteria.


I told my story because I’m hoping for advice on what’s the most beneficial things for someone of my stats (starting weight 295, goal weight 220, 5’11, female) to do in the gym with the hopes of losing weight while getting stronger. I go every morning to the gym before work. Right now I only spend about 30 minutes but I think I need to do an hour. But because I’m really not sure what to do, even though it’s been three weeks of consistently going, I’m kind of dumbfounded on what it’s the best way to do this. Looking for snack ideas too. I’m extremely hungry throughout the day and when I get home at night.

Hoping maybe someone knowledgeable or someone in a similar situation can give me some advice. Thanks 🙏

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_optimistic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

