
Back to cutting after a long break... and now I feel like I'm in a war with food!"

‎‏Hey friends, it’s been a while since I’ve been in a cutting phase, and honestly, I’ve been chilling. But now I decided to get back on track and shed those extra kilos. The problem? Hunger! 😅
‎‏Every time I try to stick to it, I find myself battling between hunger and temptation, and everything around me is screaming "EAT ME!" 😩

‎‏So, here’s some of questions:

‎‏- How do you manage your meals during cutting? ‎‏What do you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Do you snack or just skip everything to avoid messing up?

‎‏- Do you stick to the same meals all week? Or do you mix it up? Because honestly, some days I’m just not in the mood for the same food and I want something else!

‎‏- Do you ever skip a meal entirely or decide “no food after 6 PM”?

‎‏I really need your tips and experiences! Let’s share some motivation because I’m struggling here and could use all the help to stay on track.

‎‏I feel like I totally forgot how to cut, like I’m a newborn baby in this whole process again! 😆

submitted by /u/Jea1ous
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

