
Weight loss stopped

Hello everyone I’m at the 9th week of my weightloss journey and im working with a dietitian. I am 186 and started at 108 in 4-5 weeks I dropped to 99. Its not a very hard diet generally 600-700 grams of meat or legumes, salads, turkish yogurt and basmati rice, 20 nuts and 1 banana. The weird part is my weight loss stopped in the last 3-4 weeks. Im still at 99 even though I’m doing the diet fully. Important things to think about - I’m drinking 3 liters at least a day. - Doing number 2 every 2-3 days(not much compared to the start) - drinking 2-3 green tea’s every day - drinking espresso between 4-6 shots a day 1-2 days a week it goes to 9 - Now started going to the gym 2-3 times a week - I’m a software engineer who do not move much in everyday life - My fat percentage is 14 it was 18 at the start

submitted by /u/AhmethanOzcan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

