
Navigating your TOTM, how do you do it??

F21 5ft1 SW:179lbs

My second time trying to become healthier and lose some weight, I was very successful back in 2021 due to lockdown, however as soon as I went back to work, my routine went out for whack and I was unable to stick to it (purely due to lack of discipline).

I have tried multiple times since, always tracking calories and going ALL in at the gym, however, for me this is not sustainable and one bad day would throw the whole lot. This time I'm keeping it simple, no elaborate meals or routines, just eating mostly the same meals and walking everyday because it works for me!

I've lot a couple of lbs over the last 2 weeks, which is super exciting an encouraging, but I just haven't been hungry and any cravings I've had, I have been able to stay disciplined (all my treats are already budgeted within my cals so important I don't allow myself the extra). HOWEVER, it is coming up to that TOTM, and I have no idea how to navigate this, how much weight fluctuation should I be expecting (I'm worried seeing the scales go up will be demotivating, but I have to remember it's all long-term and one week isn't the end of the world!) and how the hell am I meant to stay disciplined when I know I get super-cravings?!?!?!

Any Advice/tips for curbing cravings and weight fluctuations would be super appreciated!:)


submitted by /u/Low-Cranberry7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

