
Losing 5-6 lbs (2.3-2.6kg) in 3 months ... WTF, how to lose 1lbs/0.5kg per week

I've (31F, 5'9", 186lbs/84kg) been working on losing weight for about a year, I've lost about 30 lbs in this time. But I have 20-40 lbs to go for my goal (20 will get me down to BMI <25 and 40 is my low weight since adulthood and the big goal). I started working with a nutritionist and being more active especially in the past 3 months, but only gone from 192 lbs to 186 lbs.

I can gain that weight in 3 weeks without trying, but with all my energy this is all I've gotten down to. I'm getting really frustrated. I gained 50 lbs from 2020 - 2023 and I am sick and tired of carrying around this extra weight. How can I accelerate my weight loss?

submitted by /u/atmystery
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

