
Correcting Poor Posture and Toning Body

I started losing weight in September 2024 after finding out I have thyroid nodules. I completely stopped eating gluten and lost 25lbs so far. I am yet to lose 50lbs to get to my goal but I am ecstatic about my progress so far. I've been walking 1-2 hours daily.

But here's one thing I noticed; the more I lose, the more I noticed how 'bad' my shape and posture is. Before, it was all flab. Now, I am starting to see a shape but it's not a good shape. I have a hunchback because of years of poor posture, doing office work. My shoulders aren't even, I don't have a bum, etc.

Should I really go to the gym or are there things I should consider before going to the gym? Aside from the goal weight, I want to tone my body and feel strong and agile.

submitted by /u/PolicyFit9833
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

