
Anyone else not losing breast size?

Anyone else not losing breast size? Like at all.

So far I’ve lost 75 lbs and my breasts have barely changed sizes. I’ve always had large breasts, but I am shocked that I haven’t even had to change bra size. I’ve been bra shopping so I can confirm this. I went from the largest hook to the second to smallest in my bras, but same size, still full cups.

And now, because I’m actually in shape from doing Pilates 6 days a week (and somewhat toned) versus being out of shape the last time I was at this weight (which was 2021). My complaint is that I feel like I now look disproportionate. I can’t be the only one... Anyone else dealing with this?

submitted by /u/PaRuSkLu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

