
I still look overweight after losing 25kgs. What should I do?

Hey everyone, I'm a 6 ft male and 24 years old. I went from 104 kgs to 78 kgs in a span of 2.5 years.

I am within the healthy bmi range for my height but I still look very overweight. I'm assuming it's because I have near 0 muscle. I was very lazy and sedentary my entire life so it makes sense that my lack of muscle is a big problem health wise. I estimate that I'm now at 30% bf but if I lose another 15% bf, which is another 11 kgs, I'll just be extremely skinny with no muscle.

Now I'm confused as to whether I should

  1. keep dieting and losing weight until I look lean
  2. Eat at maintainance and try to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time i.e recomposition
  3. Try a bulk phase and put on muscle and some fat.
submitted by /u/krisak90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

