
I’m absolutely sabotaging myself and I’m so lost and have no idea what to do anymore

Im a 26 year old male weighing in at 370 pounds. I’ve put on like 50 pounds just this past winter. I’m so lost I am running on autopilot and just have no idea what to do anymore. It’s like at night I have all these ideas for change but right when I wake up in the morning I’m my old self and I just say fuck it and eat like shit all day and don’t work out or nothing. I’m so tired of this lifestyle. I’m so fucking tired of feeling like this. I just don’t know where to even begin. I’ve lost weight in the past but I’ve gained it all back. I know what to do i just have no desire or motivation to do it. What the fuck is wrong with me. Please help.

submitted by /u/fun-willy-wrangler
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

