
I need motivation…for not giving up

Hi there! So my weightloss journey started about 3 years ago. Within a year of following ayurvedic diet I lost 16 kg and felt great. I did occasional exercise but what I ate was the main thing. This was obviously mostly during the covid quarantine times, when I worked from home and had plenty of time to cook for myself. I got into a routine of really taking care of my diet and that really showed. After that year, I changed jobs and the world returned to normal. I need to go to office every day, sit there for 8 or more hours and I work at a place where there is just one restaurant where now I usually eat every day with colleagues. Ofcourse, out of those 16 kg lost, I got 8 kg back…I come back ever day from work and feel very tired and unmotivated to cook for myself. Looking back at the covid times, I find it unbelievable I was that disciplined back then…how do I get back on track?!

submitted by /u/lincolnsmistress
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

