
Frustrated: can't change - can't lose weight.

First I am frustrated that I can't figure out how to lose weight without starving myself. In the last 10 years I lost weight twice. Once with a supervised VLC diet and once with Alternative Day fasting. Both were essentially starving myself. I didn't recognize it at first... but blood tests showed up results that were consistent with anorexia. (high HS-CRP and very high cholesterol and I had to stop).

Ok so 700 calories is not good for me.

Ok I will try 1000 calories. But that doesn't work. I have been on 1000 calories since June and I haven't lost anything. I also joined a gym so, in theory, I should have lost.

Also, I decided in June I was just going to learn to live a life with less calories and never "eating too much". This was going to be a life change. I was doing good on this... but make a mistake I just can't stop doing. That is getting on the scale. The scale can derail me. But at the same time I have to use it or else I won't know if my plan is working. So yesterday I got on and found I hadn't lost any weight after months and that I had wasted that time... and Yes-- I dove off.

I am 210 so imho I should be losing on 1000 cals.

I just feel like I can't change. Like these long standing dsyfunctional behaviors (getting on the scale and letting it control my day) are too powerful for me.

submitted by /u/JackBee4567
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

