
Just started weightlifting - I feel bigger and I don’t like it…

I (22F) lost a good amount of weight mostly from walking and yoga over the last year and was really happy with where I was. I decided to take on this personal training trial in my neighbourhood, which is 8 30 minute weight lifting training sessions.

I told the trainer I wanted to possibly “grow my butt” more but not my quads. I’m on session 3 and I was so sore, but the main thing worrying me is that my pants/jeans are not fitting me anymore in the butt and waist area. I struggled a lot with my body image and ED, so maybe that has a lot to play in this, but I felt like I was in a really good spot before not being able to fit into 3 pairs of my jeans. I’ve also made sure I’m eating the same so I’m definitely not eating more because of this new routine.

I haven’t weightlifted a lot before so maybe it’s just inflammation? Newbie gains? Water weight? It’s a little discouraging for me right now and I don’t know if I should continue with the program or just quit and go back to my walking/yoga routine…

submitted by /u/okst16
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