
Im fed up with my weight, but finally motivated. Any tips how i should start?

Im 24yrs old guy, 176cm, 122kg. I work as a material mover which comes with a “loading up” work too, so i lift usually 4-8tons/day, also i move it by pallet jack the same weight after that. I think i have a good condition by that, i usually walk around 20k steps a day, which is like 14km a day. I usually eat breakfast, mostly 2 eggs with toast at 3.30 in the morning, meanwhile in the work im not eating just drink 3-4l of water in the 8hr shift. When im back home around 15.30 (3.30pm), i eat what my wife cooked, then for dinner 18.00-20.00 (6-8pm) i eat the same.

For start i want to eat healthier, want to increase the water drinking since at hone i usually drink like 2 cups of whater. Also i want to start the 3 basic exercises, like push ups, crouching and abdominal press.

Any tips how i should start or anything? Sorry for the silly grammar and all, long time i didnt use english, hope you will understand me. Cheers

submitted by /u/Savings-Note4851
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