
35F - went from 150lb at the start of the pandemic to 210lb now (5'4) thanks to stress & quitting adderall. Trying to walk 7500 steps a day, switched out fries for rice with meals and swiched buttered pancakes for granola, and it is doing nothing. I don't know what to do.

Title. It is a bit hard to show what I mean because I can't post pics but I have gone form having a small tummy to a having rolls of fat on my torso and a gigantic Apron Belly I am desperate to lose. i am so self conscious I have stopped dating because I feel so repulsive about my body. The problems were stress (lockdown was hard on me), having to stop adderall because I needed anti depressants and they give insomnia, and comfort eating.

Healthy eating can be hard for me because I'm a picky eater (please don't judge me. I hate being one and have tried CBT to overcome it with limited success) because I have ADHD and mild autism which comes with sensory issues. I can eat chicken and some vegetables for healthy options but tried to be healthier and nothing changed. Diet changes not working, walking not it my age and metabolism?

submitted by /u/backto150in23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

