
Non scale... victory?? Feeling blindsided.

I didn't really know where else to come, I know many people here are still on this journey and I am perhaps fortunate in a way that I'm being affected by this? I just needed to get it off my chest and I hoped this sub might understand.

I'm currently looking for a part time job and one place I found to apply for is a plus-size clothing brand here in the UK, starting at size 16. I'm mainly in size 14 personally, just up into 16 on some things like jeans but really only as I'm short and quite curvy. The application form had a question that read along the lines of:

'It is a requirement that sales advisors wear (Brand Name) products as seen in the store, these start at Ladies 16 and Men's large. Can you meet this requirement?' Yes or no answer. (Their clothing tends to run a little bigger than the sizing suggests too).

I'm not fat enough??

I mean I don't even know if this is allowed, weight discrimination because of the uniform. I know it makes sense - a makeup shop might want employees made up with their products, a shoe shop the same thing, but I genuinely did not think it would reach into clothing. Anyone can wear makeup, not everyone can wear size 16 up.

Bleh. I applied to the job anyway, said yes I can totally wear this stuff, and maybe some of it will fit me.

submitted by /u/Judo_Noob_PTX
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

