
Wait… how did I get more self conscious?!

Well this is annoying. Last year when I was 40lbs+ heavier than I am now I gave zero F’s about how I looked. I’ve been that way most my life- maybe oblivious about how I looked rather than totally empowered zero F’s. Never worried about summer, getting out to the beach and just having fun.

Since the start of my journey at the end of last year- well dammit I’m more aware of how much my obesity got in the way of life. And with this newfound self awareness - I’m now way too self conscious to go down to the beach!? I’ve still got another 70lb+ to lose.

What the hec!? I never cared before.

I never related to those of you who were worried about summer, until now. I’m sorry for not empathising with your worries

Can someone tell me to man up? Some gym bros invited me to a beach bbq and i really want to go as I love the water, I need to build my social life but really really really do not want to take off my shirt in front of these Greek gods

submitted by /u/wavebeans
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

