
Need help with current work out routine

Hey guys! I'm a bit under 300lbs and I've made the decision to try and get control over my weight after numerous failed attempts in the past, and make sure I dont get to 300lbs. This time I've got the help of a friend and we've been going to the gym together. I don't know a lot about workouts so I'm doing the same thing he is however he isn't overweight.

We've been going for about 3-4 months now and while I have been getting stronger, my weight is the same as when I started and it does get a bit demoralizing not seeing it change after working so hard for almost half a year. I do know eating is a major factor in this so I have changed my diet and am continuing to make but better but I just needed help knowing if this work out schedule help me lose weight while putting on muscle or if I should be doing something different. Any help or any tips and tricks you guys have or workouts that have worked for you will be much appreciated! Thank you in advance!

Every work out begins with a 15 min walk on the treadmill at an 11 incline at a speed of 3. Usually do 10 reps of each exercise and 3 sets.

Monday - squats/leg press, leg extensions, Bulgarian split squat, seated calf raises

Tuesday - bench press, incline dumbbell press, decline press (cables), tricep pushdown, overhead tricep extension, flyes, seated tricep dips

Wednesday - rest day

Thursday - lat pulldowns, seated cable rows, hammer curls, incline dumbbell curls, plate loaded lat pulldowns, chest supported T-bar row, preacher curls/cable curls

Friday - RDLS, Seated hamstring curls, lying hamstring curls, standing calf raises

Saturday - seated anterior delt press, dumbbell lateral raises, chest supported rear delt flyes, cable front raises, rear delt flyes

Sunday - rest day

submitted by /u/Throwawayyyy20018
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

