
What Have You Replaced Eating With?

Hello everyone. I just wanted to ask what you have replaced eating with? I mean how are you filling that void in your life without resorting to "comfort food" ? For me, eating junk food or sweets is about so much more than simply hunger. It's about pleasure, or boredom, or eating for emotional reasons, or social reasons. When we meet a friend or family member, it almost always involves food or a drink of some sort. Meeting for lunch or dinner, meeting for coffee or a drink, going to a party or gathering etc. That's just how social norms are. Few people meet up and simply talk or walk without any food or drink involved.

For example, I spoke to a friend who has lost quite a bit of weight through intermittent fasting. He says he feels better and has more energy. But, he admitted that it can be very boring. Food can be fun, eating can be enjoyable, and something like pizza or icecream is something to look forward to. My friend told me that is the hardest part. People will invite him to barbeques or to certain restaurants, and he has to decline the offer because it can be too tempting watching other people eat a cheeseburger and fries or donuts while he eats his salad or grilled chicken.

So I am eager to hear what you guys are doing with all that extra time not spent snacking or eating fries and icecream. What do you do instead?

submitted by /u/finallyfree99
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

