
NSV - I wore an old bikini to a pool party and it was too big.

F / 31 / 5'8" SW 190 CW 177.

I've been working towards a healthy lifestyle. I did Whole30 a few months ago and identified a lot of foods that made me sick, bloat and binge. I dropped about 13 lbs off my net-weight (from 190 to 177). I plateaued at 177 all summer. Instead of the new year, my 'next year I'll be skinnier' motivator is a convention I attend every summer.

I went to the event and immediately I'm getting compliments that I look great. People are telling me point blank they found me attractive. So when it came time to grab a swim suit for a pool party, I said fuck it and grabbed a black bikini I haven't worn in at least 10 years. Maybe longer. I had no idea if it'd even fit. But something told me to just try.

I got dressed at the hotel with my friends and the "wows" started. Not only did it fit, but part of the bottom was too loose. I had a cute kimono wrap and closed it to walk through the hotel. Once we got to the pool and I took it off, and the wows started again. I felt great. I'm still a chunky person. But I could see people checking me out and I just felt the glow of confidence. Not once did I feel guilty or worried about covering up. And I just kept thinking the rest of the weekend how cute I was.

The last few weeks I've been looking at the scale or myself in the mirror and feeling so down on myself. I wanted to be at least 20 lbs lighter than I am now. Putting on the bikini showed me that the scale is a lie. I've changed how I carry my weight. And while I might not be thin, I should appreciate how far my body has come. <3

submitted by /u/clov3r
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

