
Hardest "resist food" situations are the easiest for me?

Hi /loseit, you guys are amazing, been reading for a while.

So I've noticed, when I'm at a wedding or social meeting, I can resist amazing food without a problem, even if it's outstanding food that should tempt me the most. I never ever binge at social meetings, doesn't matter how many people push me to try stuff.

But when I'm at home, and there's chocolate or crackers that are not even special, it's extremely hard for me to resist.

My theory is that in public, I have this persona of being the "strong willed" person that's totally badass and not phased at all by food.

At home I feel like this completely different, weak willed goblin. I eat out of stress, boredom, all of it.

Have you guys experienced this?

Sorry for the bad spelling.

submitted by /u/mechanic1994
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

