
Kids say the darndest (harshest) things

I’ve always been overweight/obese, and have carried extra weight in my stomach, but after having two kids in two years it’s definitely an area I hope to lose inches from.

At the beginning of this new year I’ve really started focusing on being healthier, and have lost 25 pounds putting me at pre baby weight. Still have a ways to go, but I feel SO much better/confident.

That is until my 5 year old niece asked me today why my belly’s still so big. OUCH.

I used it as an opportunity to let her know how bodies can change after babies, and how it’s hurtful to say things like that to people, but it still took a lot not to just cry right there honestly. But now that it’s been a few hours I’ve decided that I’m not going to let it cause a setback. That I’m not going to eat my feelings, or feel ashamed, or lose some of my newly gained confidence.

I’m writing this to remind myself, and if anybody else needs to hear it, that no matter what hurtful things you may hear, you have to keep pushing forward for you.

And also that sometimes kids can be real jerks.

submitted by /u/Annabeth09
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

