
Facebook didn't recognize my face today 190-155

[face gains](

NSV. I posted pictures on Facebook today and I had to tag myself because they didn’t recognize me. I started doing 1200 calories a day in January with doing the C25K app every other day. My diet includes a protein breakfast (eggs, protein shakes, or protein bar), no meat except turkey, and no drinks with calories in them. This means a lot of water and/or sparkling water. This also means no alcohol. If I don't feel like running, I do Pilates or Zumba on Youtube.

The biggest change I made to achieve this was to quit drinking alcohol and over-eating. This was hard since I was relying on liquor and food to comfort me when I was stressed. Instead of blowing steam intaking calories, I now do it working out and writing in a detailed food and exercise diary. I think that one thing to mirror my success would be to have a support system. My boyfriend has been holding me accountable and working out with me, even though he has no interest in losing weight. It really makes it more fun, which makes you want to continue doing it. I think the biggest lesson learned here would be that you can do anything. Seriously, a year ago, I never would have thought this was possible. All it takes is some determination, and over time, you will achieve results. I still have 20 more lbs to go. Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/ladylazarus101
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