
When I get depressed, I eat. Then I get even more depressed.

One day I stepped on the scale and I was 320 pounds. I played football in high school and lifted weights 6 out of 7 days of the week from when I was 14 years old, to 20 years old. After a while I got into a serious relationship, had a kid and I stopped working out. I never watched what I ate and I was always chunky but I was muscular and I wasn’t morbidly obese because I exercised enough. I skyrocketed to 320 pounds by the time I was 23 without realizing it.

Once I saw the number on the scale I got my shit together and dropped about 90 pounds in 6 months. I was eating perfectly clean and running everyday on top of a physically demanding job.

I maintained the weight the rest of the year even though I wanted to lose more. I just became too comfortable.

Then, last year I gained almost all of the weight back. Now I’m sitting at 285 pounds and extremely depressed.

I fell back into my old habits of extreme over eating, sugar addiction, and laziness.

I feel disgusted with myself, I’m uncomfortable, I can’t stand to look at myself in the mirror, and nothing fits me.

It all makes me so depressed which makes me turn to food for comfort, which causes me to gain more and more weight and become even more depressed.

I’m writing this now with a sick feeling in my stomach from eating two large bowls of sugary cereal.

I can’t even count how many times I’ve told myself enough was enough but couldn’t find the strength and discipline I had before and just gained more weight.

I guess I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar struggles and how did you overcome it?

How do you deal with depression that causes you to eat?

What is everyone’s go-to motivation that keeps you on track?

I need help. I truly am fed up with the struggle and I need to make a change ASAP


submitted by /u/joker141
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

