
We are back back to our Pre-Pregnancy Weight!

My wife and I had our first child in March of 2018. He is an absolutely amazing joy to us, and I can't imagine our lives without the little guy around, smiling and babbling. You never truly realize how much you can love a little one until you have one of your own! But I digress.

During my wife's pregnancy, as expected, she gained some weight. While I still thought she was radiant and absolutely gorgeous, she kept calling herself "ugly" and "fat". Of course she wasn't! She was magnificently beautiful. However, to her, the numbers didn't lie. Though we both tried to be healthy, because of her cravings, and my giving into them (because who doesn't want a pizza instead of the salad you had meal-planned?!), we both gained weight. I, myself, gained about 15 pounds during the pregnancy, which I was surprised by. However, this sympathy weight gain is actually pretty common!

When our little guy finally came, we were both so ecstatic. However, we started to realize that we didn't have the spring in our step we had before he came along. We couldn't chase him around as easily as we had hoped. We both had our pregnancy weight still on us. And boy, was it taking a toll on us mentally and physically.

Que me finding this sub, as well as r/EatCheapAndHealthy.

My wife and I began using tips, tricks, and recipes found on these subs. We began taking turns working out while our little one was napping, or early in the morning, or late at night. She prefers the elliptical, while I am more of a treadmill kind of guy. Anyway, we started on our road to feeling better, not just for ourselves, but so we can be the best we can be for our little guy. We started working on eating healthier, with the help of apps such as MyFitnessPal, and being more conscious of what we ate and when we ate it. Slowly the pounds started falling, and the waists started thinning.

It took us time. We weren't always good, and sometimes we cheated by making brownies because the little guy had a bad night and we needed a pick-me-up. We had our ups and downs...but this past week we both reached our pre-pregnancy weights! It was an amazing feeling, one that we are both incredibly proud of. Not only have we lost weight, but we have gained muscle from working out. Even though our little one is bigger, it is just as easy to pick him up, carry him around, and play with him as when he was little. And here is where we have what makes us want to keep it up: our baby boy. We want to continue to be able to lift him and carry him and run around with him, even as he continues to grow and gain weight.

Our little guy is the reason we started losing weight. Because of this community, your inspiration, and our dedication, we made it! And our little guy is the reason we will keep it up. To make sure we are healthy and around for him in every single way.

If we can do it, so can you. Find your "why". With a big enough "why", you can find a "how". And know that we are ALL here to help you in your journey!

submitted by /u/BEllinWoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

