
Water is magic

Still in the beginning stages of my journey, still struggling, but I wanted to share a quick lil victory that just occurred tonight. It’s almost 11pm here, and I felt an impulse craving for something warm, sweet, chocolate...chocolate chip? Cookies? From the store? Fuck it; Let’s head there now! Before I knew it, I was parked in my car a mile or so from my house outside of the grocery store. My mouth was a lil dry so I took a swig of water from a bottle in my car, then went inside. As I headed to the back of the food warehouse for cookie dough, I found myself gradually slowing down. Once I reached the refrigerated shelves I was looking for, I realized I lost my appetite. I realized I was already satisfied. I pondered around for a bit, feeling a lil strange to walk right back out to my car within a few minutes and completely empty handed. But now I’m back in my car like nothing happened. It’s crazy how much more powerful you can feel just staying hydrated. So, back to my house I go now. I have some Halo Top in my freezer anyways ✌️

submitted by /u/flexbrojas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

