
Nice Suprises getting ready in the morning

I just realized after years of gaining weight and having the ritual morning thought of “ok, what can I still fit in” or “thank god I fit in this still” knowing my eating habits were out of control and I was only going to continue gaining weight until I only had one or two options in my closet. That was actually my deciding factor in starting to lose weight. Besides the millions of other reasons, it was financial. I didn’t want to buy a whole new wardrobe in the next sizes up. Clothes are expensive and they are like a commitment to a lifestyle that I hated. Fast forward a year of IF, CICO, Yoga and cardio and I am finally at the point where I can wear 50% of my closet again and every morning it’s “omg yes!! I can wear this again!” And it’s a nice little surprise every time. I promised myself no new clothes till I’m at my goal weight and I’m excited for that day, but losing weight is like mini shopping almost 😂 mini victories

submitted by /u/dumprings-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

