I watched my MIL eat the other day and I noticed how long it takes her to actually put a fork full of food in her mouth. She picks around her plate adding small bits of her food to her fork to get the “perfect bite.” When there is no more pieces on her plate that create a “perfect bite,” she stops eating. I’ve been trying this habit the past couple of days and not only does my food actually taste better, I am much more satisfied after a meal. This helps me not eat just to finish my plate (I normally don’t), I eat because I am hungry and the food is satisfying.
My husband only eats when other people are eating. Even if he says he is hungry, he will wait until I am hungry to eat a meal. I have a very bad habit of eating when nobody is home because it means nobody can judge how much I’m eating (it’s a lot). When possible, I want to start eating only when other people are around.
The skinny people in my life seem to either be too distracted to eat or they are only concentrated on eating. In a restaurant, the thinnest friends always seem to be the last to finish because they get too wrapped up in the conversation to eat. Food is less important than the social aspect of the meal. On the other hand, when I watch my husband eat breakfast, he is only focused on eating and nothing else. When I eat, it’s like I WANT a distraction because it’s easier to not pay attention and feel bad about the food I am eating. I want to stop watching TV, Netflix, Hulu while I eat and just focus on the food in front of me.
This is a tough one, but most skinny people I know don’t have a “3 meal a day mindset.” If they have a big breakfast, they may not need lunch because they are still full. Right now, I could have breakfast at 11:30am and then eat lunch at 1pm just because in my mind it’s lunch time and I don’t want to miss an opportunity for a socially acceptable time to eat. I want to start asking myself before each meal/snack “am I really hungry or do I just want to eat?”
Lastly, most of the skinny people in my life have an active lifestyle. This doesn’t always mean they do a lot of scheduled exercise. A lot of those people just always seem to be doing SOMETHING. I’ve always had an easier time losing weight in the summer and I have realized it’s because I am not so damn bored all the time (snow is an activity killer for me). When I’m bored, I eat. I want to try to keep myself moving or at least entertained most of the time. Maybe I’ll go to the gym, but maybe I will just go to the library and read a book. I just need to do something besides eat if I am not truly hungry.
Please share if you have any other tips!
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/alrnry/a_few_skinny_people_habits_i_want_to_adopt_in_the/
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