My 15 y.o twin brothers are obese at around 120 kg (264 lbs). Unfortunately low metabolism seems to be a genetic thing in our family and my siblings suffer from it , however, I have been active and taking care of my diet all my life so it didn't affect me much. But my twin brothers are the extreme opposite. My parents didn't care much of my brothers' diet and they realized too late how big of a problem it is. They took them to a dietitian and the dietitian made a plan for them but my brothers dont stick to it , plus my parents are working most of the day so no one is really supervising my brothers. I really would like to help them but I'm not sure how. My brothers would eat according to the diet during the day but at night they would go to the kitchen when everyone is sleeping and they would eat literally everything in it. One of the twins is also addicted to gaming with limited excercise so that is making the situation even worse. Their situation is making me really sad and I really wish to help them but I have absolutely no idea how to start, Any tips or advices ?
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