
probably won’t reach weight goal by birthday, but not feeling bad about it

back in november, i got a tarot reading from my bf and the question i asked is if i can reach 130 lbs by my birthday in late may, at the time i was 165, slightly lower than my max of 170, so that would be like 35 pounds in 9 months or 3.9 lbs per month, which sounded very doable. the reading seemed really favorable and honestly spiritual but emphasized that the results depended on my mental dedication and strength.

but now in early march i’m at 145 😭, i have to admit i haven’t been watching it closely and tend to diet on and off, and have lots of days where i barely eat or binge eat. but i am proud of my progress ! at this same rate of almost a pound a week, i should reach maybe 135 by late may, not accounting for any plateaus which i haven’t experienced while being steady, i only plateaued when i knew i ate more than i was planning to for like a week or so. i’m happy with it still, but i was so hyped by the reading that i feel mildly disappointed. but my birthday is just a day, and if i reach my goal by a some months later its no biggie :) my ideal weight in my experience is between 115-125, not sure which i’d feel better at, but in the year before i got to my most overweight i was 125 and “felt fat,” even though i definitely wasn’t, i looked really good! so hopefully my perspective changes, for info i’m 5’3 20 y.o. female.

my methods ranged from strict calorie deficit of like 600 calories when i think my current maintaining calories is 1900 considered my activity levels (i used ai to calculate it, i think i’m lightly active because i work two jobs where i’m on my feet all day about 4-7 days a week for like 4-9 hours, but i don’t intentionally exercise outside of that, like on my days off i don’t do anything active, feel free to correct the calculations though), to keto, to a general low carb diet, it kind of changed day by day. i don’t know if this is supported by evidence that means it leads to weight loss, but my weekly macros averaged at about 50% fat, 30% carbs, and 20% protein, and around 1000-2000 calories (wide range i know but it varied a ton and i kind of ate according to how i felt). in an ideal world i would have higher protein than carbs, but i just don’t get that many opportunities to eat meat i enjoy, and a lot of the time i just like fruits veggies eggs and dairy :) feel free to ask me questions or shoot a message!!

submitted by /u/Born_Love_6516
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

