
I need to loose 40 lbs so I could accept myself again

Im, 27F, 1.65 m (5 ft 5) and I weight 86 kg ( 106 lbs ) so I need to loose 20 kg (40 lbs). Although I'm clearly overweight, people always assume I weight way less. Maybe because I'm curvy and slightly muscular. I'm trying to loose weight, reduce my sugar intakes but I always cave in. I also have PCOS. Frankly, I'm well educated about calories intakes, intermittent fasting, ...but I lack discipline to maintain a diet I always end up binge eating pasta, snacks and feel guilty after it. Now I've come to a point where I'm getting really frustrated. Shopping became harder and I feel so uncomfortable in my skin. I'm disgusted from my own body and see myself like an elephant. I avoid taking pictures and see myself in the mirror unless I really do need to get ready and my history with depression is making it worse. The sad part is I'm all about self-love, I hate fat-shaming and I'll never judge someone for his look or weight but only for others, I'm the worst enemy for myself. I'm currently writing this post while crying.

submitted by /u/ToplessSpaghetti
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

