
I don't even like eating or binging but I keep on doing it anyway

To preface, I got cut off my meds due to a shipping issue. They normally suppress my appetite and regulate my mood.

I've been overeating horribly recently and gained 5-6lbs after maintenance for months. It's actually driving me nuts. I keep impulse eating everything but I don't even like it, I don't want the food after the first bite, or the second, sometimes I don't even want it after getting it in my hands. I just want things more than having them and it's a feeling that extends beyond eating but with food it can be particularly bad because I'll end up getting something because I just wanted wanted wanted it, get it, and then chew it up and start spitting it out because I don't really want it and feel gross eating it. I don't have a proper sense of being full or hungry. It's absolutely nothing until I'm lightheaded and sick from being hungry or feeling like spitting up from stuffing myself. I feel insane sometimes and it's just embarrassing how I can't hold anything in my life together on my own.

submitted by /u/Inevitable-Box-4751
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