
How many days in do you generally have to be before you know that this is the one?

I understand it not being a diet and a lifestyle change however I am interested to know when people sort of knew this was the attempt to change that led to long-term success/maintenance.

I’m now on day 30. I know this because I journal everyday and keep track of my habits. I feel very confident now, more so than other previous diets where I’ve been too concerned about losing it quickly. This feels right, and even though I’m older now and a bit more mature and balanced, I can help but wonder if this could be the same as those other failed ones. Because I have felt confidence before. This one is definitely different because I’m much more aware of past mistakes and take a considerably more mindful approach.

Anyway, what do people think? When was the sort of day/months in where you knew you could do this long term. I’m actually happy and balanced with my eating habits right now. I’m doing well nutritionally, cooking more, eating mostly good whole foods but I do make some time and room for socialising and living life. I’m thinking about a cinema trip soon and might get a small salted popcorn (I used to always go and get the big one with a big drink) and I can still be mindful of my calories but not fully worry if it’s a few hundred more that one day.

Thanks for any advice guys!

submitted by /u/New_Championship1994
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

