
cannot stop craving 2 things specifically (rant)

I’m holding pretty steady on keeping calories under my limit, giving into cravings in a way that feels sustainable, and honestly, the diet part of this has not been that challenging for me so far! But for the past 2 weeks I have had two specific cravings to the point where I am going to sleep just THINKING about these foods.

The first is just vaguely melty cheese. Like American, greasy, full fat. Velveeta shells and cheese, smashburger with cheese between the patties, cheese fries, literally any delivery method for JUST CHEESE. I tried to satisfy this one by getting a cheeseburger at shake shack and fitting it into my calories for the day but it HAS NOT STOPPED. I made some Mac and cheese as well, under calorie limit, but I CANNOT get enough.

Second is almost comical but I just want a really big sandwich. Like white bread, mayo, three types of sandwich meat and a few slices of cheese. Preferably outside in a park or something. Made some pinwheels to try and satisfy this one but still cannot kick the urge.

Literally the only thing I can think about some nights. Hoping these craving will subside with time!!!

submitted by /u/cherrychild_wild
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

