
What was the HARDEST part when you first started your weight loss journey?

Hey everyone!

I recently started my weight loss journey, and honestly… it’s been tougher than I expected. I keep feeling stuck, and I’m wondering if others felt the same way when they first started.

For those of you who have made progress, what was the hardest part when you started? Was it staying motivated? Figuring out what to eat? Finding the right workout plan? Dealing with self-doubt or feeling overwhelmed?

Would love to hear what helped you push through! If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting, what would it be?

(And if you're also in the early stages like me, feel free to share what's been the biggest struggle so far. Maybe we can help each other out hehe)

submitted by /u/Sezchuansauze
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

