Hey guys! This is my first post here after being a reader for a while. I'm in the home stretch-ish of my weight loss journey after I went from 115(ish) to 142 (I'm 5'3 maybe 5'4 on a good day lol) which was my heaviest ever. I am currently 20 pounds down and I've found myself super stuck at 122. my goal weight is 115 which I know isn't too far off but I don't want to just call it quits because I can't reach it because I think I might just fall back into bad habits. I have been eating a lot cleaner and doing the 10k steps a day and running and weights yada yada but I am just sticking at 122. I am just so close to the goal I set and this plateau is really bumming me out. Is there anything that has helped you guys out when you hit a plateau like this? Thank you so much!!
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/1iulbqc/tips_for_the_home_stretch_of_my_weight_loss_goal/
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