
Plead for help/tips/assistance.

Some context: I am 17m 5’11 365lbs. High school senior

I have lost weight successfully in the past. Freshman year of high school I lost about 40lbs in a couple months however I gained it back and then some over the years. I’ve been a football player all years of highschool (not playing in college). I am quite active. I genuinely really enjoy working out and im a competitive weightlifter and one of the best in my region. Also work a physical job. So I got the working out part down. A fair amount of my bodyweight is muscle… some of my numbers are 540lb squat, 315lb clean, 290lb push press

However, I eat WAY too much. I have a really hard time putting down the fork and will often times eat way past when im full. If I am near a fast food place it takes a good amount of willpower to not go there and eat something. Most of my money gets spent on food.

Here’s a typical day of eating: Breakfast- either morning or I’ll stop at Dunkin. Go to is a large iced regular and sausage egg and cheese

Lunch- if im at school go to is a bunch of chicken fingers and maybe a bag of chips

And once I leave school that’s where it all goes downhill. I eat like everything in sight when im home ngl. I usually don’t have a set dinner I just eat whatever the fuck. I typically workout later at night- and will eat some type of fast food afterwards ruining any type of calories I burned working out lol. Subway or mcds are my go to although I have gotten better at not going to get food after working out.

As previously mentioned I have lost weight before and I know how to do it. I’m quite knowledgeable on the subject… I know how to make low cal meals and count cals etc I just haven’t been able to bring myself to do it lately… because it all just tastes like shit compared to the bullshit I’ve been eating for the past couple years.

A lot of my friends come to me for advice on lifting and losing weight and I always just tell them do as I say not as I do

I constantly think about how much better my life would be if I wasn’t fat. I think about how much better I would feel, how much better I would look… etc. On the outside im a confident funny guy, almost a “jock” although I hate that word. I’ve never really gotten bullied for my weight at all. Some close friends will poke fun at me for it but that’s it. I pretend it’s funny but it actually hurts. If I told them that they would stop but I don’t wanna seem like a pussy for lack of a better term.

It’s been my dream my whole life to be a police officer. And at my current shape I definitely wouldn’t pass the physical exam. That’s some motivation I have to lose weight.

So that’s the end of my rambling. Any help and tips would be appreciative

submitted by /u/CarloZa76
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

