
Only loosing 0.5 kilo per week and eating 1200 cal per day

Why Am I loosing weight so slow? I am 24F, 158 cm currently I weight 88kg. Last year I was 120kg, from until now I usually lost 1kg or more per week but eating 1000 cal per day. Should I go lower than 1200? I don’t know what to do Currently this is what my intake looks like in macros. I was thinking that it could be because of too many carbs: CARBS (186g) | PROTEIN (70g) | FATS (14g)

I feel demotivated a lot, ofc I am still loosing weight but why so slow? I know that 1200 cal is not much, but what should I do? Should I increase more movement like walking (currently due to health reasons I am not able to go the gym but I still have a treadmill at home that I can use) Should I lower carbs and increase protein? Could it be due to my pcos? I have many questions but the main one is why I used to loose so much in one week and now it’s not

submitted by /u/boywtfstap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

