
I Binge Every Single Day and I Feel Trapped in This Cycle

I’ve been binge eating every day, and it’s ruining my life. It’s making me feel depressed. A year ago, I was on a diet that lasted about three months, and it actually went well. I was overweight at the time, and losing weight made me feel better about myself. Back then, I could restrict my eating, but once summer ended, I stopped losing weight. I couldn’t restrict anymore. I started eating whatever I wanted, but it wasn’t that bad—I was still happy.

But since this year started, I’ve been bingeing every single day. There were only two days this year when I didn’t binge, and the next day, I ended up eating so much that I physically couldn’t move. I’ve tried everything—intuitive eating, eating three meals a day, not eating until dinner—but nothing helps. No matter what I do, I binge, and I’m so sick of it. Every morning when I wake up, all I can think about is food. I feel ashamed to go to school, to go out, to even talk to people because I hate the way I look. Sometimes, I even binge at school.

I’m not even trying to go on a diet again—I just want it to stop. But it won’t. And I don’t think I can go to therapy either because I’m only 15. I think my mom has noticed, but somehow, that makes it worse. She tells me it’s okay to eat, even when I’ve already stuffed myself to the point of feeling sick. She says to just eat and have fun, that it will burn off, but that has only trapped me in this cycle even more.

I’m exhausted. It’s gotten so bad that I don’t think I can ever go back to being the person I was before. And I grieve that, every day.

submitted by /u/Tricky_Nerve_3373
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