
How can I start and keep myself motivated?

Hey all, I am currently at 82Kg. And I want to lose atleast 25Kg to land in the perfect BMI spot. I want to start exercising and start eating healthy.

But the problem is I am in a hostel and I am prone to eating unhealthy food, with little to no Protien. What can I do to achieve this? I want to lose these 25Kgs in this Year of 2025 only.

Anyone who has done it or is doing it please tell me how can I start. And be consistent. And lose atleast 3-4 kgs a month.

I am Indian, I can eat eggs but the problem is I am often tight on money, and it is not provided in our hostel canteen.

I would like to know your experiences as well. Also, after looking at the symptoms, I may have insulin resistance problem.

submitted by /u/Past-Protection-8803
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

