
How can I beat my sweets addiction?

Hi, I'm about 25 lbs overweight so nothing crazy but I definitely feel better if I have less weight. I've been at various weights - gained, lost, gained lost etc. Currently I'm almost at my max weight again.

The thing is I actually eat reasonable and healthy-ish meals most of the time. The problem is sweets. I grew up with my family having dessert almost every day after dinner. Nothing big, but I think this already put it in my head that something sweet is part of the day. Then, since I'm an adult and live on my own and make money, I just started eating more and more sweets in the evening. Big amounts at a time, too. For example there was a time when I would eat a whole pint of ice cream in the evening, and that several times a week. It's a little bit better now but I still always feel like I need something sweet every day.

I want to decrease this, not just to lose weight but also because I know eating sugar all the time isn't good for you longterm and because I'm annoyed by the psychological need I feel. If I can't have something sweet in the evening one day for whatever reason, I feel irritated and like something is just missing. I don't know how best to go about it though. I've tried just decreasing the amount of sweet stuff I eat, the problem is it usually comes in large-ish portion sizes and I'm unable to just not eat all of it right away most of the time. I've tried going cold turkey and just not eating sweet stuff at all but I usually can't deal with it for more than a few days. Do I just need more will power? The problem comes when I sit at home by myself in the evening and have time to just think about how tasty some chocolate would be right now. It doesn't help that there's a grocery store like right across from me, either.

So.. idk.. any tips? Have you managed to successfully beat the addiction and how?

submitted by /u/MorthaP
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