
Harsh motivation doesn’t work

I can’t believe I actually have to say this, this aimed mainly towards teens on TikTok on THAT side of weight loss. Having the mindset of ‘don’t reward yourself with food you aren’t a dog.’ & other stupid mottos won’t help you in the long run. This is coming from a person who has used harsh motivation, and has had the mindset and then went on to gain that weight back + more. I refused to post myself for 2 years because of that mindset even when I looked my best I felt worse than I had ever felt in my life. 9/10 you will gain the weight back and your self confidence will deplete completely. You are not disgusting, you deserve to fuel your body, you are worthy of having a cheat day. And whoever is fuelling teenagers with this bs, you are only reinforcing the idea that they aren’t worthy the way they are and you are giving them a gateway for an ed. And if you are on this side of TikTok, please press not interested, block the creators, block the people who are giving you these ideas because no doubt in 2-3 years they will be back where they started.

submitted by /u/Melodic_Lunch_8384
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

