
Cardio vs. Lifting?!


F30, 5’4, SW: 210lbs (2023), CW: 180lbs (2025),

GW: 150lbs to start and then to 130lbs if it feels right (I was 130lbs in college and I’m 30 now 🥴)

Hi everyone! Since the pandemic I have gained over 50 pounds and ended up getting my heaviest at 210 pounds about two years ago. Seeing myself at that weight was really scary and since then I have been battling my weight loss journey, struggling with consistency. My current weight is 180 pounds and this year I decided to really take myself seriously. I told myself that I would lose 50 more pounds by the end of this year.

So far, I have been focusing on going on a walk/hike for between an hour to an hour and a half every day and trying to keep my calories under 1500. I’ve decided to cut out alcohol and sugar as I definitely went overboard over the past 5 years. I also JUST got an Apple Watch to help track my activity/burned calories.

I’ve been seeing a lot of things online saying that while cardio is great, lifting is what really tones you and accelerates the weight loss. As someone that’s not the biggest fan of the gym what are some things I can do at home to “lift” or rather tone/build muscle?

submitted by /u/Ashamed_Studio5649
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

