
Am I not ready even when I am yearning and obsessed for It( just venting).

I have tried to lose weight for more than half of my life. I’m not going to lie, I’ve gained a lot of weight from eating sweets. But when I became a teenager, I mostly just ate food at home and went to school. After graduating, though, I gained even more weight. I’ve tried many methods, like positive thinking, telling myself that it took years to get here and it will take time to lose it, going to the gym with set plans, eating healthy, and even changing my whole lifestyle to do better. But nothing has stuck.

I want to lose weight, but now I’m just tired of wanting it and looking forward to it. I’ve started to accept that I might not lose weight after all. I’ve seen many people have a wake-up call, and I’ve had situations like that too, but I wonder why I haven’t woken up yet. I’m utterly confused and exhausted, to the point that I can’t stand my body. I’ve even come to hate the mirror in the bathroom. I feel like I’m no help to myself.

submitted by /u/Internal_Ad_8605
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

