
Two weeks in at a high SW and I lost nothing this week :/ Feeling sad.

So I started dieting on the 5th at 227lb and in the first week I lost 7lb- mainly water weight I know. But it gave me the motivation to get back to my old weightlifting regiment from before I got pregnant so this week I’ve been three times to the gym and lifted the heaviest weights I could manage (about 70 percent of what I could do before), spent 35 minutes on the treadmill at the top incline at a brisk walk and stayed around 1,400 calories average (some days higher because of the gym others lower I’m tracking every food I eat on MyFitnessPal).

I stepped on the scales and I am the EXACT same weight I was last Saturday.

What am I doing wrong? I haven’t exercised since before I got pregnant two years ago- I haven’t eaten this little since I was 19 and actively dieting. I know I haven’t slipped off here.

submitted by /u/Effective-Mirror-743
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

