
Tips, tricks, etc for losing weight and increasing general fitness safely as a mid-30s female with type 1 diabetes?

Hello Reddit friends,

Basically the title - in my mid-30s, diagnosed with diabetes when I was 2, in it for the long haul but manage it relatively well (doctors etc aren’t concerned about me). Have gained weight in the last few years, mainly after leaving a very active job for a desk job, but also a lack of exercise and a less-than-ideal diet more recently.

Does anyone have any life hacks for losing weight while still managing my diabetes? Could be recipes, meal schedules, mindset changers, exercise plans, whatever you’ve got. I know there’s diabetes subs but interested to know if anyone here has words of wisdom that might work for me :)

submitted by /u/mrsjacktheripper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

