
Suddenly gaining weight again with no explanation

First time posting.. I am 7 weeks into my weight loss journey (F, SW 102kg, 164cm). TDEE calculated my deficit at 1590 calories which I have remained at or under throughout, minus 3 days where I ate around maintenance calories. I also go to the gym 4x a week. I have been consistently loosing around 1kg a week since the beginning on my journey, minus natural fluctuations during my period which even out afterwards. I weight myself on Monday and my weight had gone up 0.8kg in 4 days (94.4kg to 95.2) I thought this was strange as I was not due my period and i hadn’t adjusted my regime, but didn’t think much of it. However today (Wednesday) I have gotten on the scales again and I’m now up an additional 0.3kg. I admit I’m not the most knowledgable when it comes to natural weight fluctuations, i have also previously given up on diets when I see increases in the scale. I am determined to not do this again. What possible explanations are there for this sudden increase? Thanks so much for any advice

submitted by /u/Keepitsteel
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